I Was Bribed
Well that did not take long. It seems that SWTOR is finally looking to start saving a little money and getting rid of a bunch of servers. In some kind of a press release they are bribing people to change severs. Now to the careful observer one will see that all the origin servers are servers which rarely see more than 10 people. All the destination servers are the ones that are constantly full or close to full.
This upsets me, even if I understand why they are doing it. At times it is nice being the lone wolf who does not follow people around. I had thought about going to a larger server... but then I decided that I was too cool for that. Of course that was about a week ago... odd how things turn or right? Well no matter, I will take this in stride. This is the kind of thing that happens in MMOs... it is not like I did not see this one coming. It is also better than waiting for the "Move Or Else" email.