FFXIV You Do Disappoint
You know I really REALLY wanted to give FFXIV the benefit of the doubt. I really like to do that for games that I really enjoy... well franchisees that I really enjoy. I want to believe that the game can be a good one. However, we are just full of assholes who do not know a good game when it hits them in the face because they want it to be pretty. Well Square you have failed to deliver. I am going to have a hard time giving this game plenty of time so I can really play it and give it a chance.. well mainly because I was forced to spend $30 to play the game.
There was problem number one. I had to fight with the system for an hour to get in to play the game.... yes literally an hour. First it was a 601 error then it was something else and something else. Plus Square's support sucks so... yeah they cannot help me out at all. However, after several attempts and lots of angry yelling I was finally able to get in. I was able to buy some Crysta... whatever that is... that was enough to help me get in... I will now have to play for 3 months... not that they will give me any kind of package deal.
Next I get in to find that there are several different classes. Ok that is alright... I mean yeah a game with lots of different options. Well the problem so far is that my class is 100% crafting. I have one ability, "Rock Throw". That ability does shot for damage. I do not have anything to gather or craft with either. So I have to rely on the system giving me quests... which is fine. I mean I have been running around all over the town, but I have not been sent to my own guild yet. I would think that familiarizing yourself with the guild would be the first set of story quests. I am mistaken though.
Finally, there is the lag. Yes the lag is killing me... literally it is killing me. I have a pretty powerful video card and a reasonably powerful processor. I should be able to run the game on standard. However, I get too far into a populated area and suddenly I cannot move or do anything. Which makes like REALLY REALLY hard on me. This is one place where super awesome graphics make a game worse. With MMOs you have to accept that they will not look as pretty because if they do then they will suck and lag. I can see all the problems that they are having. I should not need a GTX690 to play this game.
So far I see why everyone hates this game. This is one of the few times when I can agree with everyone. I really thought this game could be great. I guess I am going to have to hold out hope that Version 2.0 is much better than the rest. Otherwise I am going to have to call it a quits with this game. Maybe the next major MMO will be better... granted there are not many fantasy ones that I want to play.