You know this is one of those odd seasons where I feel... unmotivated... or burst motivated as I call it. For instance, I want to work on the new version of the site.. but at the same time I do not because that is a lot of work and it is kind of tedious to have to rebuild the whole site. Yet I can find time to play The Old Republic for 4 hours because I am almost level 50 and almost done with one story. I can also find time to play Disgaea 3.. hmm I do not know.. it is a new month... I think I need to put forth some new effort into all of my stuff.. even if it is just a chore. Uhh oh well for today I will just relax and enjoy the low. Pop in the old PS2 DVDs and pull out the old Vita and grind in Disgaea.
Sorry I have been so lazy these past couple of weeks. Work kicks up and when work ends my brain just wants to shut off. Yes I am a terrible critic but.. eh I do this for fun. Anyway, I am getting back on the ball here really soon. Now that I have a break in work.