The Next Gen
So.. the next generation of sites might take me a bit longer to do than I realized. You see I want to use JQuery to clean up the page and make it more.. pretty. Well one problem I am running into is the fact that the JQuery UI series comes with a set of built in styles.. which.. well makes this annoying. I am going to have to redo all of those. I am not a huge fun of stealing styles. Then there is figuring out all the functionality of it. So I am left with two choices... do it all myself.. OR be an intelligent programmer and steal code... oh the choices.
So that is where I am with the redesign. Sorry I have been a bit absent recently. I have been adapting to my new Paleo diet... you would be surprised at how much that wrecks you. Then again most diets wreck you the first couple of weeks. So I have been lazy with recovering. Plus work has finally kicked in now I am actually working during the day which is new. Plus I had to rebuild my dev environment.. yeah things could be going better. Anyway let me see if I can do a bunch of catching up tonight... plenty of updates so check them out.