I Am Done With Charity
When the hell did non-profit, do-gooder organizations become so fucking stingy? Seriously, when the hell did that happen? I am trying to get rid of my bed. I am trying to be a good person and donate it so that some poor family can use it again. Yet it is not good enough for them. I mean what the hell happened to these people? Weren't they supposed to be do gooders? Are they not the good guys who are better than because they give a damn about their fellow residents at the homeless shelter? When did this happen, I am serious when did this happen? I know what happened, the idea of a non-profit corporation emerged.
I think this is the one instance where I am not for large nation-wide, multi-national organizations. In order to run them you need a CEO, and we all know that anyone wanting to be a CEO is only concerned with money. So you need to pay their insane salary to get what exactly out of them.. oh right nothing but how to place stores. Oh yeah how and when to lay off volunteers. Otherwise they just take up money while not having to pay taxes because they are a charity.
I understand that to run a good charity you need professional members. I understand that money is needed to do that, such is the curse of capitalism. However, at some point you have to give in. At the end of the day they only really want money. So why give them anything else? Oh right because that will go into the hands of homeless people who will squander it on booze. That is why it does not go anywhere else. Regardless, from now one I am either selling my stuff myself or throwing it away. The only reason I went to Good Will or Salvation Army was because I just want the stuff gone. Oh well, I guess I will make some bum at the dump really happy.