Now Outdoor
So before I start, should anyone from my fitness club stumble upon this. I love the bootcamp class. This whole rant is more a part of my personality than it is that I am angry at you guys.
So today marked the first day of outdoor bootcamp. I really hate how people are. You know this class has been struggling to get on the calendar for months. Attendance seems to yo-yo... I am one of the few people has actually made the effort to get off my ass and get there every week. Some weeks we have two other weeks we have 20. Today was one of those days. The reason being because it was an outdoor class today.
I fucking hate people, these classes are good for you. You work harder even if you are not in the greatest shape. Yet because it is inside people say "Oh I want to just do my own thing". Yet when it is moved outside. People decide the class is worth checking out? God how I hate people and their annoying mood swings. What a class is only good if it is outside. I guess I am weird I hate being outside.
I mean we rose to the top of the food chain to not be outside. Seriously, unlike all the other creatures we paid our dues and now we can stay inside. I also have sun sensitive skin... so that does not help either. Then again, I am not stupid and think that being tan is a good thing. Seriously, you can tell who in the class tans. Because they look an extra 10 years older. I hate how easily I burn, but that is because I have hidden from the sun. Granted I am going to need more vitamin D soon.
However, I digress, I mean what am I going to do whine about it? Come the cold season I will be right there ready to go inside and keep working out. You know as the class attendance suddenly drops back to it usual numbers and the club manager has to take into consideration taking it off the schedule. Because I know how people are. Once it is back inside they will all get depressed like whiny babies. Then they figure if they are depressed why not watch TV while working out?