Passing Thoughts & Gas
So a couple of weeks ago gas prices too a huge jump. It was kind of weird because normally they jump up 20 cents over the course of a couple weeks... not a couple of hours. Anyway, that is not the point of my thought. These days whenever I watch something that has ads.. you know when I am not at my house. I notice that MPG is advertised a lot. Am I the only one who thinks MPG is part of the gas price problem?
This is logic that most people are too stupid to do on their own. If you buy gas less often. Then gas company owner does not make as many billions of dollars. Thus he or she cannot keep up with the demands of the stock market. You know how you have to always top profits from previous years... not just be profitable? Anyway, when we buy gas less often they cannot afford that ninth summer home and the private jet that flies there. So they need to make more money. What do they do, they raise gas prices. You know I guess they have to cover costs.. but a company that makes 44 billion in profits... probably does not struggle to break even. Anyway, if you are buying less gas... then you are raising up the gas prices.
So I have to wonder... are you really saving money? I mean, how often do gas prices go down? I highly doubt any of those hybrid owners can laugh at me because their tank lasted them till gas prices fell. You see if you have a hybrid you easily pay for it because gas goes up in-between fill-ups more. So why even bother? I mean the only time you Hybrid owners got the last laugh was when there was that release of the emergency fuel reserves. However, you are not getting the last laugh now right? I bet if I squared off with a hybrid owner in costs alone I would come out.. around the same... but I digress... just something for you idiot environmentalists out there to think about.
Speaking of the environment. There is some kind of new movement to start drilling in America? Now I am all for depleting what resources we have here. Maybe then we can come up with something better. However, I wonder how many Americans are stupid enough to think that gas prices will go down? If anything once the drilling starts there will be a rise in gas prices. Then four years later gas prices will drop ten cents because the fuel is now here. I mean with gas it is really just one big scam. You start drilling and all of the sudden you have more costs. You need to make large profits. Because shareholders will pull out if you make a huge investment for the future of the company. So to cover those costs you just put it on the consumers. With lies about how things will be better. The sad thing is that Americans are stupid.
You see the gas companies will tell us that the rise in prices are temporary. However, they will be temporary until they are the norm. Then they are the norm so they will need to remain high to remain competitive. The post office went through that phase. When was the last time postage went down in cost? Seriously why are people so stupid? I mean it is not like we have any control or anything. We are put in a pretty crappy situation.
You see oil companies are HUGE. They hire... thousands, millions of employees. Now if the middle class said "No More". The oil companies would go to the government to get a bail out. Why because of how many people would lose their jobs, then in turn lose their homes, cars, boats, remodeling, that luxury cruise they could not afford to begin with. Then they are all penniless. With all the homeless people our economy stops and things get worse. I mean after all we know that all Americans are good with money right? So we have been backed into a corner.
Which is why it is impossible to give out any real solution to this scam that we have fallen into. Regardless of what happens the commoners will be squashed by it. I mean at the end of the day all that having high MPG can do is allow all those oil executives get to retirement. Then leech off of other things as their company slowly dies off. Oh well at least I will be 80 when the shit REALLY hits the fan. Because so many people want to believe they are part of the solution. Oh well, I am find being part of the problem. ^_^ at least my car is fun to drive.