End Of Video Games?
So as most of you know I have been doing a pretty big binge on video games. I have been grinding my way through FFXIII...s Anyway, I have been reading articles about the supposed next generation of video games from our friends at MS and PS. Of course as these are tightly under wraps no one can confirm the information right? Anyway, the rumor is that they are bragging about the ability to tie games to their various account services.
You know this makes me laugh. Why brag about something your customers are going to hate? Then again who are the console makers customers? I mean it could be the people who buy and play the consoles. Then again it could be the developers. I have always been confused on this point. Anyway this is stupid. At least Nintendo has not joined this bandwagon. They are the only ones who do not require you to have some kind of online account to use the god damn system. Looks like I might be going Nintendo/PC exclusive here soon. Anyway I wonder why there has not been more outcry from vendors.
Specifically the big ones Best Buy and Wal-Mart. You know those two huge companies that allow you to trade in your games for store credit? Oh yeah that store credit can go to a new TV or appliance if you want it too. That store credit can go to new games. That store credit can go to anything. That store credit is good at their store in general. So this idea of those companies being unable to sell used games should be a scary one. I mean if you can have someone sell the games and then buy something that will make you more money. Is that not a good thing? You come up way more on top than a company like Gamestop. So I think they would be a bit more miffed about this. Then again, what do they care. They were just trying to see if they could compete with Gamestop.
You now I do not understand what constitutes ownership anymore these days. Seriously, I wonder if anyone who reads this blog realizes that you technically do not own your PS3/XBox. Technically you are leasing it from the various companies. You are supposed to... I guess give it back when you feel it is a worthless paper weight? Hmmm I wonder, anyway this is just something that we have to think about these days. So I guess if I do not own the hardware to operate this then I do not own the software. So I do not own any right to sell it.
I wish that developers would realize that pre-owned games do help them out. After all the create brand loyalty. Looking over my games I see my Yakuza games. I bought those preowned at on a sale. I bought... uhh was it 1 and 2. Then I preordered three, and I am doing my best to keep on top of the series. Same with the Ratchet and Clank games. I always preorder those. You know now that I think about it what happens when games go out of print?
I have to wonder if game companies will continue to produce games until a system dies? Some games are not very well received. So you can find new ones on into eternity. However, what about more popular ones? Maybe they are trying to collectors item these games. Hmmm yeah that is something we can do. I go out and I buy a game on launch date. Wait a couple of years and then sell it again. Is that a preowned game? Now developers are helping make con artists money. I have to wonder.
Either way this does not affect me too much. I do not tend to sell my games. I am a hoarder in that sense. However, I have to wonder why consoles think this is a good idea. If not for pre-owned games I would not be the gamer I am today. I mean when I was a kid I could not afford new games. That was back when games were cheap. So I had to rely on second hand shops to get them. Oh well, like I said I have no problem going back to being PC/Nintendo Exclusive. I think we are seeing the end of days of video games and it is sad.