Stupid Life And Getting In The Way
So to my very few followers... and those who stumble upon my site while looking for ways to tie anime to pedophiles or kill cats. These past couple of weeks have been interesting for me. I think that changing jobs is the only thing that is more stressful than moving. I am not sure though, because moving is VERY stressful. Anyway, yes I have changed jobs and am going to be getting back on the horse. I am a member of a work from home job.
Yes you may all bow down and worship me for I have the ultimate job. You know one where I do not have to wake up early, go to an office, or even really interact. I can stay home all day, not shower or shave. Lie around in whatever attire I feel is fitting and do as much work as I want. Or do as much sleeping as I want. So yes you can be jealous. I will see how this works out. I already like this job more than my last job. So I can feel more motivated to do stuff
Speaking of motivation, I have not been very good with the anime these weeks. I blame video games. Yes god damn you Mass Effect 3 and Final Fantasy XIII and taking up my time. Lucky for me I am on the keep up not catch up diet. So I am only a little behind. Granted on some I am further behind than others. Why does it have to be so hard to find some animes? I cannot be sure I can afford Funimation yet and still go with my savings and debt paying plans. Oh well I will figure something out. Once I have that I can say I am 100% legit. Anyway, back to work, god working from these home offices is a terrible strain.