All To Org
So I have been looking over my traffic recently. I have been noticing that COM has been falling off a lot. I mean in the past couple of months I have gone from averaging about one hit a day. To getting one hit a month again. Now I do most of my looking and URL generation on COM so I was wondering what was up. Then I remembered that I have more than just COM. Well turns out that my traffic has been heading to ORG.
So Yeah... that is a bit odd in my book. I mean I have ORG as my site on maybe two or three forums? Huh... I find it really odd that google is sending all my traffic to the ORG. I mean I assume it is google. I am not just getting yahoo results that come back with a specific search result I... I don't know... something? So yeah that has been something that has been rather odd.
Just a neat little observation I made... I have never seen this happen. You know if I was a good web uhh I guess master. I might actually care to try and figure out what exactly makes search engines work. I am not, I was just saying that I could.