Easier To Keep Up
Over the past year or so I have noticed something. It is much easier to keep up with stuff than it is to catch up with stuff. I think the 3DS is the perfect example of this for me. I have been trying to follow the policy of not buying a new game before I beat an old game. For the most part I have been doing a pretty good job. It is always hard to qualify every game I have as beaten... but.. you know that is just life. Anyway, it is not just the 3DS, it is anime as well. Really it is just everything in general feels like it is easier to keep up than to catch up.
At the end of the day I am spending the same amount of time. I mean watching 13 episodes of anime will be watching 13 episodes of anime. However, if I watch the anime as it comes out once a week. That is 20 minutes a week. Not 300 minutes in one day. I mean both have their advantages and disadvantages. However, with one I am not losing the better portion of the day. It is the same with video games. I do not have to rush all the way through a game so I can get to the sequel, thank you FFXIII. I can take my time and beat the game as I normally would. You know obsessing over finding every tiny thing that can be found. As well as power leveling and all that jazz. Heck I have noticed it even in working out. When I am sore or tired or whatever. Now that I am in shape I can take a day or two off. If I so choose too. Not like in the past where I was forcing myself to go to the gym no matter what. Which was a nice form of suffering in its own defence.
That is not to say that the initial investment is not expensive... well these days it is less expensive. With anime I am only paying $60 a year for Crunchyroll.... Other venues... well they might be a bit more cheaper or a bit more expensive... who knows. Either way with anime. Yes the initial investment would be astronomical if I was keeping up with DVDs. However, I am not so I can write that off. With games it is expensive. Because most games drop in price within a couple of months. I mean if I am behind I can get games for cheaper. However, then I lose that time investment. So at the end of the day everything evens out. I spend a bit more money now to stay on top of things and have more time in the future to do other things. At least I can justify that to myself. Then again maybe I am just crazy rich compared to the usual demographic who watches anime and plays video games.
This was just a nice passing thought I had. I cannot say much more. It is nice to look at my 3DS and not see any use for it for a couple of months while I wait for games that are worth while to come out. How rare it is for me to think about other games. I can pull out ye old PSP and beat a few of those games. That would be nice. Hmmm maybe I should sell a PSP game or two... see if I can buy me some digital downloads for the old PSV... then again... do I buy.. eh that is thoughts for another time. However, it is something for everyone to think about.