It is Giftmas Day
Yes indeed, it is giftmas day. I hope that those of you out there have had a happy or at least average giftmas day. I know that giftmas.. umm time was very enjoyable. Lets see for starters I recieved lots of bad ass giftmas gifts. I recieved Blue Seed the complete collection, Aqua Teen Hunger Force Volume 6, Battletoads Double Dragons, and EMA (Eternal, Maiden Actualization) or Femisapian.. as she is known in the states. So it was a wondrous giftmas time filled with lots of gifts that were very very good and stuff. But during this giftmas time I thought to myself, what is giftmas?
What is giftmas, well with the fact that most holidays have nothing to do with the actual religions on which they follow. I decided that we needed a name that was more fitting of the season. And since the season involves showering people in gifts I decided that giftmas would work out the best. Then I wondered why giftmas, why not giftka or giftza? I think it is because of a few things. The most prevalent being that I am given time off for the..ummm... pretend religious holiday of christmas, that and giftmas is easier to say and even idiots can figure out what it means... and those who celebrate the other holidays would probably get more offended than the christians. So the next question is, when is giftmas?
I have decided that the giftmas seasons first day is December 1 and the last day is January 1. One solid month of joyous times or something. This is because a lot of major holidays are celebrated in here, thus making the season... I am not so shallow as to lump Thanksgiving in there as well. Anyway, when do you celebrate giftmas... hmm well that is up to you. Generally I have decided that what day giftmas occurs on is not important, more the fact that it occurs. So giftmas can occur on any one to four day stretch you that the individual in question is not working. What I mean by work, is whatever you do for your nine to five or school. This is a day when you are given or have taken time off. Plus you can start when the time off begins. For instance I started on December 23 at 12:00, because that is when work ended and marked time off, and it will end on December 26 0:00. But how does one mark giftmas?
You know what is the main thing that you see during this time of year, decorations of some kind. They mainly show up in the form of lights in obnoxious shapes or stickers or stuff like that. So I am going to say that people can celebrate giftmas in this way. Make a display of epic proportions, just avoid other holiday symbols. The key point is that giftmas is a state of mind really, it is not symbolized by anything but gifts. So really it is up to you to put up symbols, if you even want too. Unlike other holidays, you will not be shunned for not giving a damn about how uhhh cheery... or your holiday spirit. Nope not in this one, granted you will be ridiculed for copying other holidays. The point is that this holiday season is a state of mind.
So that is what giftmas is, to me anyway. Now I know this offends people, but hey you know what screw you guys. Until I can think of a better suffix for the holiday, I am sticking with giftmas, yes it is intended to be a mockery of the exploited religious holidays, and no I do not care. Granted if this website gets big I might have to care. But I won't then some idiot will put me out of business and on the streets because I offended them. Mainly because people refuse to realize that they can just ignore those who do not celebrate their holidays. Anyway, time for bed, I hope all had a merry giftams.