Why Fantasy > Reality
So I guess today is some kind of holiday or something? I do not know, I have said it before and I will say it again. It is not a holiday if I have to come to work. However, while wasting away at work I came across this interesting article. To be honest I am not sure how to take this article. I mean I think it is trying to show that all those guys are losers or something. I am pretty sure that is what they are trying to do. What with the only actual couple explicitly pointed out. So I am going to talk about why the thousand nerds have it better.
I think the best part about Love+ is you can find a players guide for it. That is the problem with real women. There are any number of unseen factors that can screw over a guy. Not in Love+, if you ever cannot figure out a girl. You just have to start over and read something online. Really you do not have to read much either. The best part about these dating sims is the fact that the girls follow pretty strict archetypes. So once you get the basic idea of how to woo them down. You no longer have to worry about whether or not you can impress her.
Next thing she is a one time investment. What do you need to start your Love+ relationship? Well that is simple really. You need the console it is on and the game. So in Japan that might run you what... $400 or something like that. If this game ever game to the US it would run me what $300? Now if you were trying to get a real girl. I am pretty sure that you would go through that much money in just the first couple of months. Plus you have to keep spending money to keep them around. Since your 3DS has a rechargeable battery and a power cable. You can play it till the system dies. Once you are in the game all the gifts are virtual. There is nothing in there that you cannot buy for your new girlfriend.
Then there is the fact that if she pisses you off you can just turn her off. Thank god for sleep mode and other games. In real life if your girlfriend is PMSing you have to deal with it. Well that or risk getting cheat on and slash or dumped. However, the girls in this game are always going to forgive you. Plus if they do not forgive you. Just start over and rebuild her love. She is not any the wiser. I mean really in that game the only way to get dumped is to pirate the game or so a rumor has claimed.
Finally there is my favorite thing of all. The fact that you do not have to deal with her family. I think that pisses me off the most about actual mating. You have to deal with the place where the female was spawned from. So that is a whole other back of chips. So not only do you have to please her. You have to please those who are genetically related to her. After all, no one is good enough for her right? You have to suffer through interrogations and threats and just over all having people be rude to you. Plus if they do not like you. You have to suffer through that for the rest of the relationship. With the virtual girl, yes they have families. However, their families are irrelevant because this game is about true love. True love holds no one prisoner. Not like in real life where people can be easily influenced by their families.
So for everyone out there who talks about how pathetic those guys are. Remember this, their romances are easier and always happen. Not like all of you who go out and date and stuff like that. The only thing they are lacking is the physical portion. Well the joke is on you. After all there is a nice USB simulator out there. Plus it has a plug in with software so you can have any girl you want. When you really sit back and look at things. These guys have it made. You are all jealous because they do not have to deal with the bullshit that normal couples have to deal with. Long live those who replace people with bits. If I could read Japanese I would be right there with them.