I Hate Moving
You know have I ever said I hate moving? Well I am pretty sure I have. However, I am going to start thinking about it again. Because I have to move come this April. Anyway, where do I start. Oh yeah I hate apartments. You see part of moving is planning. However, most apartments do not know if an apartment will be available until 30 days before it will be. Now you see that is a problem. With moving you have to plan ahead. So that means that I have to take my chance that I am not going to find an apartment if I start searching any amount of time before hand.
Second lets look at the moving part. Now if I was good with money or had a lot of friends I might care less. I mean if I had lots of friends I could pay them with a beer or two and get several hours of moving done. However, I do not have that. If I was smarter with money I would be able to hire a moving crew. Sadly I am not good with money. So next comes the planning phase. This is the only time I regret not having my Van.
A yes my van, that big blue thing that was basically a truck. I miss that thing. I just take all of the seats out and I have about half a small uhaul. Though I am pretty sure that is one reason why it failed. Anyway, it is getting my stuff from point A to point B that really annoys me. I mean I can waste gas and time and money driving it all from one place to another.... or I can waste gas and time and even more money renting a moving truck. Oh the choices we have to make... god how I hate them.
I guess I just wanted to bitch about the fact that I have to move. I mean god how I hate moving. This is the reason why I want to own something.. maybe a condo or a house... not a house.. that is a lot of work that I do not want to do.. then again it might be nice. You know to say I cannot move and do not want to move because my tax incentive to buy a house is there. Oh how I hate this sometimes... oh well back to stressing out about this... what do I need now? Yes boxes, I think I need to acquire some boxes... that would be nice. I guess I had better tell my apartment the news too. Hmm oh well we shall see how the day goes right?