Not an Excuse This Time
So in the wake of the storm that hit here. My garage decided that it needed to do something to annoy me. Yes that is right it decided that it did not need to work anymore. So it did something to itself and broke. Of course this happens with my car inside of it. Just my luck right? Now I am carless, which can be annoying when there is 15+ inches of snow everywhere. Well lucky for me the storm passed and now the desert has kicked in now there is just slush water and ice everywhere. Anyway, I was talking to a friend who wanted to hang out. After explaining my situation to him I realized something. This actual incident sounds like a lame excuse.
Seriously, I went into my garage and saw the problem The spring had broken on the door. Now it hangs unevenly and cannot be pulled up. However, how lame of an excuse is that "My garage is broken" You know it is so lame it is hard to tell whether or not I should believe it. That is one of those funny things about life. When something happens and it sounds like a bad excuse. Oh well I guess that is what makes life hilarious right?