When Did We Become Such Wimps?
So in the state I live in it is snowing. Though by the way people talk about it you would think that it was a storm on the scale of the blizzards we had back in the early 2000s. Seriously when did everyone in this state become such a wimp? I do not get it? There was a time long ago when people in this state were not wimps. I remember back in the day. Snow like this did not mean school or work was canceled. Seriously, the only time school was ever canceled due to snow when I was a kid was once. I remember that time. When it snowed seven feet. Even if we could get to school people were doing their best to keep their houses from caving in. Well not me, I was wise enough to get trapped up at Winter Park. Thank god I had free ski passes, ah those were the days. I listened to everyone bitch and whine about how they were so tired from shoveling snow. Yet I would bitch and whine about how hard it was to ski in waist high snow. Kind of gives you a warm fuzzy feeling inside right?
I think it is all these people who live in warm areas who are migrating to here. Seriously, they all come here with their dreams of camping, in their $500,000 camper. Driving up to the top of pikes peak to appreciate the beauty and just being around the mountains and all that crap. Then it snows and they do one of two things. They either crap their pants and go into panic mode. Thank god these ones are the sane ones who I do not mind. Then you have the other dangerous kind. Who say "I drive a Half-Ton Pick-up with All Wheel Drive I FEAR NOTHING".
Those ones are the worst of them all. They are the ones who cause accidents. You know because they forget that tire tread does go away if you do not take care of it. Or that having four moving wheels means nothing if all for wheels are just spinning. So instead of being cautious and driving like a sane person. They drive like the roads are dry. Then again that is all that bad if I am inside. That means we are just thinning the heard a bit.
Anyway it is just really depressing to live here now. School close down when the snow is greater than an inch. People forget how to drive, or worse pretend that there are no rules since they cannot see stuff. Everyone acts like it is the end of the world when snow like this happens. Yet no one seems to remember the good old days when a snow like this was the norm. Oh well, I guess if things were the same I would have nothing to write about today.