TOR OD - Day Three - Not The Longest Day
17:31:16 - Level 16
So I was pretty plastered last night so I did not make an update before I quit. More I just quit and started hangover prevention. Anyway, there was not much to report on yesterday. I mean last night the servers were pretty empty so I basically did as many quests... as I could see straight for. I am slowly getting the hang of playing this game. Having a nice high level means I can make my crafts nice high levels as well. Hopefully I will be able to make some more awesome mods sooner rather than later. Then again I guess I need a ship for that.
So I forgot how hard it is to get up after a night of drinking like that. I mean I wanted to get up yet I did not. I think it was because of the cold too. I did a nice routine until about 11:30. I would wake up cramping from the kitty. I would roll over or get water and go back to sleep Then I would wake up again and repeat. Until my body felt like it was relatively cleansed of all the toxins and stuff. Now I just need to see how working small chores into my playing schedule will work today. I really need to clean my kitchen.
19:42:20 - Level 17
Ok I now understand why people are sometimes picky about level. I just tried the trouble in deed heroic mission. Well how wonderful is that? Three level 16 elites right at the beginning and then four later on and that was not even through the first couple of rooms. Of course it never helps that all of my party members were level 12 and 13. They all wonder why we died so much. Well when I am one level over the guys I tend to not be able to pick up the slack. Especially when most of them are elite. God I hate stuff like that. Plus the healer we had kept on sucking. Gah... whatever, who knows. I need a break anyway. I am going to try and get chores done that was my promise. Too bad I am dehydrated... oh well time to workout with a headache.
23:25:36.5 - Level 19
Uhhh this game is starting to take its toll... all the running back and forth. The never-ending supply of daily missions. Man am I exhausted after it most nights. Anyway I finally managed to find a group to help me with some of the heroic missions. They were nice and social too so that made things easier. I am not really sure why people choose not to talk. Anyway, I did not play as much as I could have today. I let chores and stuff get in the way. However, that will only be today. not tomorrow.
I have a starship you see and I want to get as many missions done on that tomorrow as possible. I mean the starship missions are great for power leveling and stuff. Granted I am kind of disappointed that there is not another name for the Protocol droid on the ship. Uhh man I am tired. At least I am accomplishing something. I am going to do the no sleep thing tomorrow... you know set my alarm for early and then get out of bed and force myself to play or something. Anyway lets see if I can get at least six hours of sleep