I Hate The New Age
So to anyone who knows me. I am looking for a new job. Yup I am tired of this one. In all reality all employers should expect their employees to be looking for better opportunities. Anyway I am pissed off at what online job sites have become. Seriously, I put forth a lot of thought and work into my resumes. What the fuck do I get? Stupid resume generation software. The software doesn't even properly represent my skill set. God what happened to the world? Oh yeah things need to be easier to index. Why can't it be like the good old days when all I had to do was post a resume and the website would send it to my desired employer.
Oh well, I guess I will do this the hard way. You know look up jobs online. Then look up the company and send my resume to them by hand. God this is stupid, why the hell does it have to be like this. It is like having a resume does not even matter anymore. Oh well, I will see how successful this hunt is the hard way. Who knows, maybe I can find something. Not that I have much time left to find a job. It is sad when four months does not feel like enough time. Sadly that is the curse of apartment leases. I need to save up more money so I can break my lease.