My Two Cents on Occupy Wall Street
So while at the gym I saw a funny news article about a woman who got a job on wall street during her occupation of wall street. I have no link because well I only saw it in passing. Anyway, I figured this thing has kind of been forgotten by the media. Have heard very little about it since... well the holidays started. So I guess it is time for me to see what I can find and form an opinion about it. So in traditional fashion the unofficial websites tell me little. So I am using the power of the all-knowing being we all Wikipedia
So let me start out by saying I had a good laugh when I saw that this movement was started by a Canadian group. A Canadian group is making an advance on Americans. You would think that the power house country of Canada could at least start protesting in its own country. Then again, sometimes I tend to forget Canada is there. So needless to say that it is a good humor to see that Americans couldn't care less until Canadians gave them a push.
So from what I get from this it is basically people are tired of the rich. Wow, that is a novel idea that has cascaded throughout time. Then again, all the former uprisings were targeted at the government. Not like those governments did not have a much higher quality of living than the poor who were rising up right? It is kind of funny to look at the arguments. They want more money... wait I am sorry they want better distribution of wealth. Not more money no they want more people to be equal. Yes it has nothing to do with greed nothing at all. Next they want the rich to take blame
So I kind of wonder how the 1% is to blame for the recession? The main advertising campaign of this movement is we are the 99%. Sadly you are going to have a very difficult time convincing me that the rich are to blame for the recession. Yes I will say greed caused them to try and squeeze more money out of the lower classes. It is not like the rich forced the poor to take out loans. Maybe they did, I am just not aware of it. After all the media is owned by the rich. I guess the loan patrols have not come to break my legs if I don't buy a house soon. Too many people take on a bigger financial responsibility than they can will help with recession.
Lets say that I make $50,000 a year. I decide that I need that three bedroom three bathroom house. You know the one that costs $300,000. So I do the honorable thing and put down what 10% of the total price of the house? Well that means that I will be paying around $2000 a month for the next 20 years. So a person making $50,000 is putting... hmm what would that be about what 60% to 70% of your salary a month? So that leaves us with a couple of options. Option number one, pretend like we make more than that. Take out a bunch of credit cards and slowly pay those off as well. No one did this I am sure. I mean that is just stupid. After all, it is not like you are going into the red each month. Option number two, cut back on spending. Buy only what you need buy the cheap stuff, buy stuff in bulk. Forgo the luxury of a big screen TV, cable, smart phone, booze, organic food, and other such things. This seems like the smart route right? Everyone did this right? Regardless of what is done the economy is hurt. Taking out credit cards just eases you into a recession as it might take a while to actually accumulate that much debt. In the end though you will likely default on something. So there is a bunch of money lost to the creditors which means they probably have to fire some people. If we take option number two. Well less is sold, therefore less is produced, therefore there is less money, and less people are needed. Both options hurt the economy because you are pushing your paycheck too far. I make a pretty decent living and I am not even thinking about buying a house. Now these various protesters would definitely say that corporate greed is what causes this.
After all, if those millionaires took a pay cut to help support their employees quality of living then things would be better. Yeah I say that myself sometimes. However, if you really look at this whole protest, it is motivated by greed. I mean all these protesters are upset that they are not in that 1%. They are all upset at being poor. One of their demands is to have a more equal distribution of wealth. Is that not greed? I guess not when you need it. After all, you are the one who is struggling along. You were so poor you could not afford that birth control and had that accident right? You were so poor you had to drown your troubles on a luxery vacation that you could not afford to begin with right? I think the worst part of this is the fact that I see nothing but demands.
When you look around I only see a list of demands. I do not see any one offering solutions. Not that I believe many people who are passionate about this cause are that smart to begin with. You just see one list of demands. Otherwise, the working class is not going to work and continue the protest. However, they decide that they want to hand over the solution to the very people who they are protesting? That does not make sense. Why would you do that... well other than the fact that you are not smart enough to come up with a solution. It is not like you want to be responsible for something even worse.
At the end of the day I do not really see the point in all of this. People are destroying parks, grinding small businesses to a halt, and not working. When you get down to it I don't see a noble cause. I see a group of people who had a bitchfest, turned it into a party, and somehow that became a protest. But hey maybe I am wrong. If these protests work out and I can make a living doing a do nothing job. Then hey I would be just fine with that. However, right now I cannot see any reason to join their cause. I mean if everyone joined their cause who would package their food? Who would make sure the water plants are working? Who would supply electricity to the city? Who would enforce the law? Probably most concerning, who would donate to their cause. After all, we are a capitalist society. We need to make sure we are comfortable. None of these people are going to sacrifice their homes and possessions to keep this going. They are already old news. I think that the homeless will remember this day thousands of years for now. It will be a homeless holiday of feasting. Where the homeless were well fed for several months before their population growth.