The Time Consumption
Life is too short is bullshit that lazy people use to justify not completing something. It is the sad truth about life. Many people hate working on anything regularly. When you look at people who diligently work, most only work about 80% of the time, and that is 10% of people... yes I am just pulling these numbers out of my ass. Anyway most people let their minds wander to other things and interests. Soon minutes turn to hours, then hours to days, and days to weeks. Then for most people weeks turn to quitting. This little task is shoved off into their minds or they find something else to waste time on. Then when an expiration of some kind happens, they blame the shortness of life. When all they had to do was sit down and focus.
Well I believe I have ADD to some degree, no official diagnosis but it sure as hell feels like it. This causes me many problems that get in the way of me doing other things. My most major problem is an over active mind. So I waste away at work for 8 hours everyday. Generally I do not sleep much at night, not from lack of trying. So while at work I focus on the work task at hand. Then ideas start popping off in my mind. Oddly enough my mind splits focuses, I can generally keep working while my mind shoots off ideas and plans and such. This takes a nice toll on my mind. So after six to eight hours of this I get home, and am well spent. Thus my lazy reflex kicks in, and I go home and do nothing. There are varying degrees of lazyness but in the end I accomplish nothing. It is like my soul... or mind... or something I need to do stuff has been sucked away.
Anyway, now that I have wasted a good portion of your time. I can proudly say that today is the first day, which I have been home, that I have not turned on the TV. And as a result I managed to finish making the CSS for the anime section. So expect to see an anime section pop up uhhh eventually. As I am a professional web developer I generally let my mind wander back to regular software development. Or I just stay away from coding... either way no web development gets done. And with the fact that I am trying to make another site, devoted to programming and such, my focus will shift. Hopefully I will have that site up soon, I am going with Rails on that one... I really fucking hate Rails but I need to learn the language to justify my hatred. That way I am one step ahead of the rails worshipers.