Game Of The Year Editon
So yesterday I decided to pick up Uncharted, game franchise. So I was looking at the two pack of games. Then I noticed that Uncharted 2 was a "Game of the Year Edition". I have seen this kind of edition on many games. I wonder if people out there are actually stupid enough to think that the "Game of the Year" edition is special. It is just version one of the game. I mean you have to make the game in order to get the game of the year award. You cannot add stuff and then claim it is "Game of the Year". Because then it is not the game of the year it is a new game. Then I realized something this is a wonderful scam.
What better way to continue to selling an old game for full price, then to pretend like it is a special edition? Seriously, I bet the marketing person who thought up of "Game of the Year Edition" is living rich. He went to the boss and said
"I think I found a way to keep selling this game at full price and not require anything but new production."
"I am listening" said the boss
"Since we won this meaningless award. We slap edition onto the end of the award."
"You know, people are stupid enough that might actually work. Do it, and if it fails well you won't have to worry about anything. If it succeeds you are set of life"
Now everyone is doing this. I bet I could create my own type of award. I would call it the... oh I don't know.. the Not A Douche award. If it got big and everyone new what it was. I am pretty sure you would see Not a Douche editions. Holy crap, this is brilliant. If I was motivated by my desire to not want to work. I would be on my way to creating a marketing plan to sponsor a meaningless award that would allow me to do this This is brilliant, I hope someone steals my idea. That way I can see it come true. That way I can be looked upon as some kind of prophet and have my own personal harem of female worshipers. As well as my own private army of male soldiers. Oh what fun that would be yes? For my prophecy I would be revered as a god. I would get all the... well average looking women I could want. Then I could send the ones I mistake for men to the front lines. Hmmm... wait maintaining a cult centered around worshiping me would be too much work. Hmm... damn I knew I should have gone career in boy scouts.... :P