Enough Of The Staggering
We are at my least favorite anime period. The end and the beginning. For some reason there seems to be a need to do a weekly release of each new anime. Not that I am upset that there is FINALLY new anime to keep me entertained. It is just... well annoying. Because that means that I have to wait an extra four weeks for their to be more anime than I can handle. Then I get to slowly watch it die off. <_< It is such a sad thing. I guess I should use this time to catch up on old anime. Shit I forgot I need to get through the rest of Shana... crap... hmmm... lets see if I can get that working on my phone.. what episode was I on again? Wait... I am not really liking season 2.... crap.... oh well. -_-... I like the concept enough to not drop the anime here and now.