After NDK 2011
So another year and another NDK. Nothing beats getting out of the office for a few days and watching plenty of attractive women bounce around in almost nothing. Overall, I have to say the con was pretty good this year. I guess the self-imposed attendance cap scared away a few people because it felt a little emptier. Mind you a little, not by much. There was a bit more room to breath in certain places... I think.
Anyway, either people are getting better at presenting panels or I just went to all the good ones. There is really only one panel that I have to whine about and that is the Social Interaction For Geeks panel. The only thing that made this panel geek specific was the fact that it took place at an anime convention. Otherwise, you can go online and find everything she said. For someone who was working on her PhD in psychology. That was one of the crappiest presentations I have ever been too. Maybe the panel was only there for her to brag about her PhD. Really, it just became another pathetic whine fest like on certain forums I frequent. So it was getting really annoying. I hope she finds this review -_-... because seriously... her panel sucked. Then again, most of those socializing panels suck.
I still see the Marriott has yet to figure out how to handle big events. For starters, they were severely understaffed for valet parking. You do not have only two valets working on opening day of a con that had to impose a 7,500 attendance limit. You also do not have only one valet working on the closing day. You also do not give priority for extra beds to rooms that already have two beds. Seriously, why the hell would they do that? Are they charging these people an extra $50 a day or something? Because I saw several rooms that had two beds that housed at least six people. Oh well when I next make my reservation I am going to request a two bedroom room. Just to annoy everyone else.
One thing I learned is that I am a great deal more social this year than last year. Which is good, next year I am going to have to get some ear plugs for going to the various social events, but I can go and not have a panic attack so that is an improvement. Granted both the dance and the rave were hotter and more humid than a cycling class. So that was kind of weird. However, it is always nice to get hugs. ^_^ I got several this year.
Another major improvement was the moving of the game room. This was something that was needed. Granted I think there were less systems this year. However, that happens I guess. The room felt less chaotic and crowded. I mean I actually got to play some of the more popular games. Plus having it open 24 hours really helped out a lot. I could get in and play Rock Band without having to wait for an hour. Plus everyone was drunk and tired so my lack of skills really did not make me look too terrible.
Overall, I have to say this was yet another successful NDK. To be honest the attendance cap worries me a bit. Like I said it felt emptier. Hey people lets be smart and Pre-Reg. That way you can be promised a spot in the con. I really hope the cap is lifted soon. I also really hope that we can find a bigger venue. I hope many things, the problem with Colorado is there are not many venues that are reasonably priced that are much bigger or more central than the Marriott. Hmm... oh well, I need to remember to budget in drinking at the bar into next years pool of cash.