Finally New Code
Well I have finally built my development environment and started coding again. So I noticed a bunch of annoying little missing things from the anime section. So that is where my updates are focused. The first update was to show my reason for dropping an anime. So if you are lucky enough to find the few that I have dropped you will notice that. I also fixed a few bugs with the way some of the links are appearing. So that is a nice new thing.
Second I noticed that the anime section was missing a nice section to look up all the anime I have watched. So it is kind of hard to see some of the anime that I have watched unless you remember all the anime you have seen. As of course I decided to make my navigation dynamic and random. So now there is a nice new list section. Yeah it does not look the best... but hey I am not a designer. I plan on making it look nicer later on... so given my current progress... expect it in what two years? ^_^;... hopefully not, but it is getting harder to keep up with anime these days.
Anyway, I am having a little coders block on my index page. I have not been able to decide how I want the page to display. Do I want the page to display only links, or do I want to do a more traditional approach. You know maybe a link and a short description. I also need to decide how I want to tell you what I have done. Stupid designing and being hard and time consuming. Anyway, lets hope that I can figure it out soon.