Peta Fails Again
So thanks to Kotaku I stumbled upon yet another PETA peice of crap. It is called Cooking Mama:Mama Kills Animals, and I must say it is a most entertaining game. So lets start off witht he blantant theft of the cooking mama franchise. Seriously at least in the Super Chick Sisters or whatever it was called. I mean they flat out copied the game. No new originial characters no original story line no nothing. They just flat out stole the game. The only REAL difference is it is a flash game and you use a mouse instead of a stylus or a WiiMote. So I give PETA a big fat stinking FAIL for this.
Seriously, their complete and total lack of originality just shows how stupid an high they are all the time. Granted I am nto sure what stupid hippee drugs they are doing, but they must be doing something. Seriously, how do you go from sex to violent death and back again? They took one of the most kid friendly games out there and made it AWESOME. I get that they want kids to be blindly manipulated to not eating meat, but come on. They should not reward you for being less humane. After all the point of games, with a scoring system, is to get the high score. And if kids are unphased by mowing down 100s of people with a machine gun in Grand Theft Auto then what makes PETA think that this campaign will work. If the mindless masses in business have taught us anything it is that kids LOVE voilence. They completely miss the message when violence is involved. Honestly does PETA really think it is a credible company with the crap that they have put out for the past couple of decades.
If you go look around all of PETA's propaganda is lying around the net. So lets take a look at the over 15 campagin, I guess it would be the naked one. While I cannot find a consistent name for these events needless to say naked... here are some sites, Some blog and The Average looking naked chick talking about something. While some... I stress SOME of the female are attractive enough to be seen naked... I can imagine that most of the smelly hippies are not. But the very fact that PETA continues to do this bullshit means that it is working. I mean yeah I guess whenever I see something err.. intriguing I stop and say "Oh what is this about" and I generally find out about it. But what kind of mindless twat will base his or her views on existence around nudity. I mean yeah nudity is fun, but do I get "any"? I mean if you are going to go to the effort of stipping down can I at least like get a regular concubine out of it? If not why do I care, granted we all need some good beat off material every once in a while. So once I am finished you have officialy lost my attention. But hey PETA is not all jerk off material, as the original reason for this post decrees.
Nope they have their all age groups category, flash games. So if you look around you can find some of these games, I searched for PETA games myself. Again PETA gets another FAIL. First off they are flat out copies of other games, like Cooking Mama or Super Mario Brothers or Frogger. Or they are pointless little experiments with no purpose. The very lack of origniality in convaying their message is what gets PETA a fail. Take Mama Kills Animals, for example. When was the last time your mom plucked and gutted the turkey. Well unless you live on a farm the answer is NEVER. So right there you lose the child. Think about it. If a child goes home and shows its mom the game. The mom will flat out prove PETA wrong. Mom can just say "Well you just watch me cook thanksgiving dinner". Child watches mom just cook a yummy turkery and has its mind set at ease. Yes there are videos to watch along the way, but the point behind buying something is not having to care about the work that goes on behind the scences. I mean not many people realize that what goes on behind the scenes of a website. The slave driving of the developers and sys admins. The sleepless nights, the thankless over time, the crappy cubicles, the lack of health benefits. Being an IT professional is practically slave labor. But everyone runs along happily and does not care. So who cares what goes on behind the scense?
Anyway, my point is, I do not understand how PETA continues to thrive. It is kind of like being back in the 1930s when Hitlers Nazis were on the rise. You thing "My god how the fuck do these morons keep going?" But much like the Nazis PETA feeds off of common ignorance. Then those people who do think, well they are met with violence and ummm.. tourment. What better way to convert you than to make you feel like shit? But I guess you would not expect any less from Eco-Terrorists. Anyway, PETA is just a fail organization, populated by people who fail at existence. Whether it be copy games or playing on sex drive PETA just fails. But not me, I got 1093 on my first go through the game, how good can you do?