Hair Gel & Coder's Block
You know there is one thing I never thought I would do again. That of course was combing my hair. I never thought I would actually be willing to do that. Well times change, and so must I. So as part of these changes I have begun combing my hair. I have to say I do enjoy it. I look spiffy when I do it correctly. Anyway, recently I bought a new hair gel, I am still in testing.
Anyway said gel stood out to me as it is supposed to be waterproof. This struck me as interesting because I was annoyed at how easily my last hair gel washed out. Well let's just say that this new gel is cosplay approved. I might have used too much, but damn I can say that their claim holds true. After all, I should not have to scrub my head for 5 minutes in the morning to get the gel out. In fact I think this stuff might work too well for me. After all my last hair gel would almost completely flake out of my hair over night. My hair just got bent in all kinds of new directions with this one.
Of course I am torn as well. You see my new hair gel costs about half of what my old one did and it technically works better. Hair products are pretty damn expensive. Then again, maybe it is cheap because it is some kind of glue concoction... >_> Seriously my hands are sticky after I apply the new stuff. My old stuff my hands felt grimy, but I did not have to wash them if I did not want too. Hmm well another month or so of this.. lets see.. I need to try at least 4 gels... better start making notes <_<.
So I am finally getting the itch to develop again. It is funny how that itch comes when there is no way for me to develop. I guess I will let the shop hold onto my Macbook until Friday. If I have not heard from them by then I am going to just show up and yell at them. four business days my ass. This sucks because for once I have a good idea... now I have to suffer and wait to actually code. Not to mention it is the new season of anime. I still have plenty of catching up to do. God, it just never ends sometimes. Well hopefully I will be able to get to a point where I am happy with everything right?