The Dying Macbook
Sorry I have not really said much these past couple of days. My main computer for development on this site died on me today. >_> You know it is at these times I wonder why I have yet to buy an offline backup system of some kind. Well that or I need to set up some kind of dedicated backup system here on my local machines. Well lucky for me I was in the process of developing the new index page. So I did not lose my CSS or my obnoxious query for the index page. Either way I am likely going to be redeveloping the codebasea again. Turn my system into something that is more of a CMS than anything. I have a friend who would like to join my efforts of brining you guys the latest reviews of shows from Japan. He also watches a shit ton more than I do.
Anyway, I will do my best to distract myself while I find the $80 to pay the Mac Outlet store... hopefully that drive is under manufacturer warranty... granted I do not trust these apple people as far as I can throw them. Lucky for me I have all my music backup up on my IPod Touch. Hmmm... maybe I should blow through a series or two in the next two days.