And a Month Later
So about a month later I have returned to this site. Not that I have not been busy writing and rewriting code. I have been busy doing a little here a little there. Sadly I am still trying to find the best to architect my code. Python is a great language, I am just a crappy programmer, so bear with me. Not to mention it has been hell at work. If one thing is not wrong it is something else, and my company thrives on stress so it has been a very stressful two weeks. But I am trying to get back into the swing of things.
First off the new season of Fansubs have come out. And there are a few must watch shows out there. I will just list them: Chaos Head, Gundam 00 Season 2, Skip Beat, and Toaru Majustu no Index. There are others but these are the ones I really care about. Probably because there is lots of violence, a hikkimori, mechs, and a chick who only wants revenge. Once I get anime up and going you guys will be able to read more.
I will do my best to get as much work on this site done as I humanly can. But the problem lies in the fact that this month is hell for me, as far as video game releases go. There are six titles that I preordered coming out. And I am trying to break my habit of just letting games sit in their packaging for years on end. So do not expect too much, but my new goal is to be good to go by the beginning of the next season of anime.
So yeah sorry, I did not get this up and running by my goal. It sucks when you cannot do this for a living. But maybe soon some google ads might be hidden around and you guys can click them.