The Head Must Have Hair
So I was at my gym the other day and I noticed something. Any male in the gym who was "bald" had a beard of some kind on his face. I never really thought anything of it. However, I am bored and need to kill soetime at work. So I have to wonder why that is the case?
I understand that most men who shave their heads are escaping the curse of baldness. However, why do they have to have hair somewhere on their head? If you are going to take the time and effort needed to completely remove the vast majority of hair on your head why not go 100% and get rid of all the hair on your face? I think it is because most... well people who would shave their head realize how weird it looks.
Really when you thing about it lack of facial hair means one of two things. Potential psychopath, thank you cults who require your heard to be shared or cancer patient. It is all social conditioning. I think, maybe there is a conspiracy in here. After all hair care is a multi billion dollar industry. If you have hair on your head they make money. After all cleaning the coupous amounts of hair is a requirement in a clean society.
The hair care industry... I think that is why you rarely see females who are completely shaved... their heads >_>. pervs. When these females are completely shaved there is something wrong with them. At least in the media. You know they are generally an escaped convict or some kind of psychopath or a military female (More messaging right?). After all if a female has no hair on her head the hair care industry gets nothing. All the money goes to the skin care industry. While they are both in the same market. They are bitter enemies...because that is the way capitalism works.
I think I just drew some interesting lines here. Why is it that you never see anyone in a positive light that has no hair on their head. I mean even baldness leaves the sides. Consipracy... probably not, I have yet to see a female whos baldness is sexy. However, I think I need to light a conspiracy fire against the multi-billion dollar industry.