Writers Block
Just to warn you this might not be all that amusing. As I have writers block once again. It is this thing that occasionally plagues me. I think my main problem is that I am not writing down stuff when it comes to my mind. No I do my best to try to remember it and write it down later. You know for one reason or another. Generally I have to get to the gym... or I am at work and need to look like I am working. Then there is the sheer fact that I do not feel like moving.
Yes that is another problem. I may go off on a nice tirade for a few hours in my mind. However,I cannot be bothered to move. Sometimes getting up and booting up a computer just to write is a pain in the ass. I could use my Nexus S for that, however, I find typing on my soft keyboard to be tedious at best. Plus most of the time I get interrupted whenever I am typing on that bad boy. I think I need to look into getting a speaker and a voice reader.
I find that when I am typing I tend to lose momentum. My mind works a lot faster than my fingers. Namely because one can only type so fast when ones fingers are trained to type fast for coding and not typing. However, if I could just ramble into a microphone for, you know, an hour and see what comes out I might actually be able to post more. Then again, when I ramble I tend to ramble and one thing leads to another and soon I am so far away from what I was trying to say that I have no idea what I am talking about anymore.
There we go I managed to waste a bunch of time and beat my writers block by writing about writer's block. You know it is fun to just write about random shit sometimes. I just wish I was better at being funny. I kind of suck at that. I need more practice... need to watch more angry ranting to get myself in the mood.