Anime Wasabi 2011
While I am not really in a reviewing mood... I guess I need to actually do some kind of reviewing. Anyway, a couple of weeks ago I went to Animeland Wasabi. A small convention here in Colorado. To be honest I am not really sure if I should be reviewing this convention. I was having kind of an off weekend that weekend. So the majority of the weekend was spent hiding in the REALLY dark video room... watching anime that I have already seen. I have to say that things are improving. I did not know you could have walking and breathing room at an anime convention. The large hotel was nice to be in.
Really my only complaint is that there were a few too many... hours dedicated to dances and stuff. Granted the whole point of an anime convention is to socialize... I think. Anyway, when 20:00... to I think 03:00 is dedicated to giving lots of DJs a chance to spin their various playlists. I feel like that is a bit excessive. I am sure it would have been a better convention if I had not left my schedule at my place.
Things are starting to look really good for this convention. If anything I hope that they made enough money to keep the convention around for at least one more year.