End of Relaxing
Well this has been a nice... pseudo week off. I say pseudo, because work made the week suck. However, there will be time to bitch about that later. However, it was nice to come home and just lie around and do nothing. Well after working out... when I could do some working out. Which kind of sucked. After all the various events in Japan has delayed anime. Rightfully so, there are bigger things to worry about in Japan. Now to bitch about work.
Yup, I would have called this past week a week off if I was not in charge of my old project again. The main problem, my bosses seemed to think I made it my personal mission to keep on everything that is going on. So I was expected to just pick up my old job for a week. To make things worse I was expected to pick things up as if I had never stopped doing them. Stupid ass holes at work. At least there are changes on the horizon.
Anyway now it is time to pick up the stress. As soon it will be time to move out of my place into a new apartment. Which means.. damn.. I am lazy I wonder if I can find time to buy some boxes from Costco.