Another Weekend Gets Away... Kind of
I say another weekend gets away because I did not do anything anime related this weekend. Well kind of, sense Kingdom Hearts : 358/2 is anime I figure that counts on some level. I spent the better portion of Saturday just playing that game. I am kind of curious to see where the game goes. I guess I am feeling the need to play ever since a Kingdom Hearts game has been announced in the 3DS. I want to catch up to a degree. I do not know. Otherwise I have been trying my best to run errands and the like. Then there is my cat, I think she is becoming a bad girlfriend.
I say this mainly because she only seems to want my attention when my mind is otherwise occupied. This... this is nothing really that new... she is just getting more annoying about it. I am trying to make myself my dinners and she does nothing but bother me. I had to take her off the counter several times. Then she just walks around. Eventually she gets pissed off and leaves me alone. However, then when I actually want attention she is angry at me. I swear it is a vicious cycle. Reminds me of my past... hmmmm several instances. Meh whatever, those times are gone. Anyway, I think she is going crazy too... she seems to enjoy attacking bags and my shower curtain.
Anyway, I with the group I am getting Madoka from would hurry up and release episode five. I swear, I find one of two work safe animes and they do not get released often enough. I hope I can find more time to watch anime. After all Anime Wasabi is in a month. I still have to make my Dr. Stein costume. The lab jacket will be the hardest. I need to start cutting out the pattern. I am not 100% sure how I am going to do the shirt yet, luckily for me the pants are one solid color. Time to start buckling down.