So here is the new look and feel. I am still tweaking it but I decided that it is time for a change as I slowly commit myself to getting this site into a dynamic state. Sadly I am too fucking lazy, right now, to put the archive site up. I have it and I will hide it, eventually, some where on my webserver where everyone can see it, for those of my fans who are trying to share the glory of this text driven site.
So I think that I have a problem with Python or it has a problem with me. Because I was doing some rather nice work, on figuring out how to structure my data. But suddenly Python decided to just up and quit working. So I decided that it was a case of early onset bit rot. Which came from my over all lack of understanding of the language. But the main culprit seemed to be my use of the from module import whatever. One of my favorit things about python. This little clause gives you the power to import just one class or function. But sadly it seemed to keep on crapping out on me. So I just get to go back to the old fashioned import. Which will make my code better documented.
Anyway I managed to finish up my database class and my first object class. For you hackers out there sorry you only get that knowledge. Not that you guys are not smart enough to figure out my class names. Anyway so far all my tests work. Which is weird because normally it takes me several tries to figure out how the exact line of characters I need to make this work. Guess that just means I am finally getting the hang of this small portion of the language. So once I am done with this I just need to actually find a real application for the language. But hey I am up for the challenge, it never hurts to understand all of a language.
Anyway, sadly this transformation from static HTML to Python might take a while. Anime Vegas is just around the corner. And I am about 65% of the way done with my Cosplay. So I might have to put off my urges code in lue of making this costume. Which is coming a long swimmingly. Well it wouldn't be if it were not for the skills of my friend. She has helped me make this costume what it is. I guess I just lucked out in having such a helpful friend. Anyway I am going to work on the costume piece by piece every night this week. Which kind of sucks because there are two new games coming out this week. But I can play games whenever, I only get one shot at this costume. And after all the money I snunk into this bad boy you can bet your ass I am going to finish it.
Anyway thus ends the first entry of the interim Cats Love Anti-Freeze site. I will try to make more notes on Python here since one of my biggest pet peeves is the obnoxious lack of decent Python examples out there in the world. Especially the Database end of things. So hopefully some day people will be able to use this site to learn bits and pieces of Python. As well as to be forced to acknoledge my existence... or something.