Beat A Story Into This Anime
So this anime makes the same mistake that most animes like this one make, they do their best to beat a story into the anime. You cannot do that with these episodic animes. You just cannot do that. All it does is ruin the anime as a whole. The anime was just fine. Following the daily life and adventures of Mayu. That is all it needed. You have the various quirky characters who are a part of Mayu's life. They just live their lives and stuff happens. No the author had to have some kind of serious conflict in it.
That is the problem. Towards the end everything changes. Mayu suddenly becomes this benevolent being who does her job. Then everyone gets along to save their friend Mayu. Even worse is when they take a sudden dark turn. Then try and lighten it up all of the sudden. Yes it is silly that the whole ending was caused by a misunderstanding. However, what the hell? We go from dark evil rat spirts to the god of the sun makes a mistake? What the fuck... it is like they are trying to piss me off.
Why do author's always do this? Seriously why the hell must they always pull this crap. The anime was just fine. Each episode was an entire arch. Each episode stood on its own. That was just fine. The characters were all just fine to fit that roll. You horny.. was it fox god... or dog god? His drunk sociopath mother. The scatterbrained god of the sakura. Hell even the mangaka and her minions were awesome. Then there had to be action and a story. I tell you authors are the best at ruining good things.