Too Japanese
I can only really nit pick at this series. I really enjoyed it. So if I had to find something bad about it. It would have to say that there are too many cultural jokes that we Americans just don't get. Even with all the years of watching anime I have.
That is my main problem with this anime. While some of the jokes can be hilarious on their own because they give off that WTF moments. Most of those jokes you laugh because you know they are supposed to be funny. Not nesscarily because you know why they are funny. This makes the anime really had to follow. After all, a lot of skits center around one joke.
I guess you could call this an advanced anime. You know one that you should watch if you have some kind of understanding of Japanese culture. This is definitely a good anime to make everyone around you hate anime, if they are on the fence. It will ruin every day life for you as well. When you see how epic everyday things REALLY can be.