Cookie Cutters Are Convenient
So while this anime is a very interesting take on the idea of these magical private schools that do not care about the whole academic side of going to school it is pretty bland. You have your usual loser guy who is the protagonist and your obnoxious prodigy female who who is.. well obnoxious yet wants to be friends with the loser and all the other cookie cutter characters that you can imagine. I mean really this is as generic as you can really get in an anime formula.
That is not even the really annoying part about it. The fact that all the characters are basically insane makes things a little weird. I guess eccentric might be a nicer way to say things. However, overall the anime tries to add spice by making all the really bad ass characters have some kind of sociopaths streak and well... that is just kind of boring. I mean you have the gun girl who is in the gambling thing to play Russian roulette. Then there is the accountant who is always scheming in his glasses. There is also the two faced pop star. The list goes on and on and on. Just one cookie cutter character after another. Which makes everything that goes on... well not all that interesting.
I mean for the most part I have no idea if there is really even a story to tell here. The main character just sort of seems to bounce from opponent to opponent with no real goal in mind other than to gamble. I mean really she is just a gambling addict of the worst kind. Maybe I am over thinking things, but she really needs to like want to win. i know that she tries to game the system so she can skip over the scrub players but still it gets kind of boring watching all the higher ups get annoyed with her and then challenge her or be goaded into challenging her. I do not know really.
The other thing that kind of confuses me is the whole life plan thing. Like I get why that is there, but it only seems to apply to the female characters. I guess that none of the male characters really fall into debt or are featured or something but still... hmmm i was always curious about what a life plan would look like for a male character. I guess I will just have to wait to see if season two finds its way here.
Lets see.. oh yeah generic complaint number 3242234 I have no idea how the student council works in this anime. I mean most of these anime try to follow the idea that there is an election and only the best of the best get elected... but... yeah I am still pretty confused on how things work because it seems like all the positions are just bought because you can win a lot of money gambling. Which is fine, but it would be nice if it was easier to discern that.
So overall yeah this is a pretty bland series. It follows the typical unusual school tropes which lead it down some strange path where the student government is like the shadow government of Japan. all the characters are pretty much set in stone right from the get go. None of the characters really develop at all they just remain developed or something, and there is a lot of missing stuff in this anime. So yeah it is okay I guess, but overall it is not something that I would be able to recommend someone watch unless you are in an nice anime drought at the moment and just need that anime fix.