I will rate this after I am done with other anime and stuff
I have yet to write this... because I am lazy or something
I have yet to write this... because I am lazy or something
Hinata has a love of volleyball ever since he saw the "little giant" win the national championships when he was a kid. As such he has worked hard to become an attacker despite his below average height. His skills do not go unnoticed and he gets to join the same high school as his old, or previous idol. Unfortunately for him the club is not what it used to be. Even worse his self-proclaimed rival in fact attends school with him. Now he has to play with this guy who he has vowed to defeat in order to win glory on the court.
Season 1 Episode 11
Another Idea That You Can Steal
You know it is kind of funny how there is always a female manager for teams. You know like being a manager is something that only a female can do. Which gives me a million dollar anime/manga idea that someone can take and flesh out and I will take no credit for it. We can go with a traditional sports anime, pick a sport, any sport. However, it is at a girls school which recently went co-ed. A poor male who wanted to play a sport cannot play because he is... well you know he has a penis and clearly a penis cannot play with girls. So he becomes the manager. Not just the manager, the hot manager who all the girls want to get with. Yeah.. something like that, and then you can have the hentai training camp special where all the girls manage to sneak around and have sex with him because they think they are so super sneaky. Hey a great H-Game idea as well.
Season 1 Episode 3
How We Want It To Look
You know it is kind of funny how awesome they make volleyball look. Then again I guess most anime like to make most of the sports they show look more awesome. I mean geez, they make Hinata look like a bad ass when he jumps up to successfully spike. It is kind of funny to watch knowing that it is just the animation.
Another weird thing for me is I have never seen guys play Volleyball. I have not seen many Volleyball matches over my life, but when I have watched it has always been females playing the sport. I have always wondered why... Still it is kind of funny to think that this is the first time I have seen volleyball played by guys in...... well the longest time. I have to say that does make me laugh in some small way.