This is How You Play Games
Alright time to write again.. except that thing happened to me where I REALLY like a game, but for some reason cannot think of why it was so awesome therefore removing any validity to the claim that the show was in fact good. So I guess I can start with the fact that this anime has a lot of interesting twists and turns in it. Coupled with great timing I found myself sitting on the edge of my seat almost every episode. Then falling into a deep crying state as I have to wait a whole 7 days to see the next episode. That was probably what made this series the best.
To be honest at times this anime kind of reminded me of Death Note. We all know that anime which made a ton of obsessive fan people because it was one of the cheapest cosplay outfits ever. The anime itself revolved around tons of planning and plotting. Outsmarting your opponent and winning the game, no matter what it was. I personally enjoyed the rule about no cheating. I really think that made the series for me.
Once you get into the more intense battles it was time to figure out what the cheat was and how you could prove it. Well I guess that was not what Blank wanted to do, they figured the other team could cheat all they want and Blank would come out on top. Still it was kind of fun to see how they came up with this stuff. At times it taught me that I really need to up my attention span. Being NEETs and all Blank sure had some pretty high perception. I mean they were able to pick out the cheaters in the room and figure out how the cheaters were cheating without even really looking. I guess that is high level intelligence. Though I do find the idea implanted in the show that it is not cheating if you do not get caught. Then there was the fact that Blank was pretty good at crushing their opponents.
That made the series really funny, since humans are on the bottom of the food chain in that world. You have all these magical creatures who can do any number of things to cheat and win who lost to the garbage bottom row of the world. It was pretty interesting how Blank managed to manipulate their opponents to win the games. Not to mention the lengths they would go to win these games. I mean it is not everyday that you simulate destroying a large section of space to win a game. I guess it was fun to watch because of the fact that instead of trying to impress the other races. Blank came in and reacted to the other races' egos. Not to mention the fact that Blank showed that you need to be several steps ahead.
To be honest it is pretty impressive to come into a world and already know how to take over the world. I guess they do not know how to do that, but you get what I mean. They showed time and again, their planning and confidence in their ability to win games. Thinking multiple steps ahead of the each opponent. I also liked how they managed to not waste time with lose. Most of their bets would have had catastrophic results leaving them with nothing or dead. I guess when you play with those kinds of odds you cannot help but always win and always stay ahead of your opponents.
So I guess my overall opinion of this anime is that you need to watch it. Do not sit at home and wonder if this might be a good anime or if it might not be a good one. It is a good one, with plenty of room to grow as well. After all, Blank has to unite an entire planet full of creatures who feel humans are barely above animals much less worth opponents. It is kind of sad that this is getting the season gutting done to it. I hope that the DVDs sell well in Japan so a new season will come out. I guess step two would be to find the manga... yeah that might be the best thing to do for now. Anyway, why not watch this anime I am pretty sure that you will blow through the entire thing in one night.