The Main Character Is Not That Much of A Loser
You know animes about narcissistic loners who just hate everyone are awesome. I mean really they are, Hikki just hates anyone and everyone.. well I guess he likes his sister, but overall he just hates the world. I really like that about this anime. He is not some loser who is depressed about being alone and not having any friends. He sees life as better that way. With all of his secret techniques... granted I have mastered a few of them. I am really good at the stealth technique. It is fun being the perpetual loner/loser and not caring about it. I think the best part of the anime is how he ends up solving all the problems.
I mean really that makes the anime for me. Unlike everyone else in the anime who just ants to get along and play nice and be buddies. Hikki takes the better road of just telling the truth and destroying things. That is way more fun than solving things with a smile. I mean really whenever the issue of friends or people came up. He was right there to bring the truth out and make everyone realize they all suck just as much as he does. That was one of my favorite parts about this anime. How it did not matter who it was he would just rip them a new one. The truth hurts more than the lie and he was really good at bringing out the truth to break people.
This is a rare anime when I think about it. I think the best part about the anime is the fact that the main character never learns his lesson. Yeah spoiler alert, despite all the of the teachers black mailing and beating the main character grows his social intelligence. However, it does not effect who he is overall. If anything all he is the person who helps everyone else grow up and drop their elementary school dreams of peace and happiness. They put up those fragile pillars and guess what he kicks them over. Ah that is so much fun and so easy to do. I love it when all the popular kids go through and do whatever he says because he is clearly the one with all the answer. Plus he never missed a beat with the teacher.
Those few encounters that our main character has with his teacher are priceless. I mean no matter how many times she beats him up he never backs down. Normally the wuss main character gets his ass kicked and learns a lesson or two. Not Hikki, he has never learns because there is nothing for him to learn since he is the most awesome pathetic loser in town. Plus the whole "You are over 30 and single" thing never gets old. Plus the teacher is really just like Hikki... well if he was some pathetic shell of a human who was trying to make friends or something.
So overall this is an anime that is really worth watching. Really I just wanted to see how Hikki was going to solve the problem. Despite his clear cut loner attitude he is way smarter than most people. Well I guess he is way better at pointing out flaws in people and making them untie against him. Regardless, it is a good anime as he really just insults people and everyone seems to think he is worth while for some reason. So you should really be checking this anime out. If just for the fact that Hikki is freaking hilarious.