Oddly Balanced
So I have to say I found an odd sense of balance in this... well rushed series. There was the whole slice of life, highschool romance, being a kid kind of message. THen there was the sci-fi side of things to change things up. I think it was balanced because they took out the super natural portion of this series.
When I start seeing sexy space chicks and high schools I have to wonder what obnoxious things are going to happen. Oddly enough this one ws nice and down to earth. No super powered humans. Just advanced technology. I like that about this anime. Though I may rag on it a little. It was a good choice to have the sci-fi stuff just sort of hang there for a while. I hate how some animes like to make things obnoxious with the technology and super powers getting in the way.
That is where this anime really excels. It is purely slice of life with a twist. I mean most of the time the twist takes over completely. Yes the twist did kind of take over towards the end. However, it feels like the anime could have the whole sequence of events and then be done and nothing would hurt because of it. The high-tech stuff was a plot device and nothing else really. That is always a good thing. Plus things were kind of normal too.
Being normal is not really something that most people like. However, I really like it. I was particularly happy that all the female leads did not fall in love with the male lead. You could see that there were other males in the story too... well another male but you get my point right? Even if he was a bit trite. I can say that all the girls not fighting over Kaito in the traditional harem way was a nice change. Normally animes that start out like this suddenly become harem animes later on.
All in all I say watch this anime. In the end everything balances out. YOu have your slice of life and then you finish it off with your sci-fi. There are plenty of good jokes in there and everything stays down to Earth. Not your typical anime forumla. However, it is better than the usual harem antics that come around with animes where there is romance. Hell I bet you could make this into a slice of life about adults and it still works out. So I say watch this anime.