Reuse Everything
This has become a major trend in animes that seem to be picked up because there is an empty spot on the list. There are a few gimmicks that the anime has, and since the manga is too long or detailed to make a short anime out of it. They just take the best known gimmicks from the manga and reuse them over and over and over and over again. That is what makes this series... well suck.
Basically, you have a set of obnoxious characters. Each with their own quirks. One is a lesbian, the other is a pseudo-delinquent, a couple a narcissists, one a manipulative masochist, and finally you have the traditional food girl. This series would be much more interesting if there was a story or something. I mean there is a plot. Isolationist Loner Rirchyo wants to get together with her agent... whats his name. Then the entire series explores her sexual attraction to him. That is it, oh yeah the other characters are there. Really the just break of the reused jokes between the main characters. Like all of these jokes are some home funnier the 100th time through.
I also hae a few other questions about the series. First off why are demon people serving other demon people? I mean the series goes out of its way to say that all demon families are blessed with prosperity. So I have to wonder what exactly makes your family the servant family and the other the master family? Then again, I guess you could write it off as running from responsibility. I do not know, I have always wondered what makes someone want to go from being the master to being the slave. Yeah the slaves can go to the same prestigious school as the masters. However, they are still at the bottom of the food chain.
I do not know really. It seems like this series could have been good. It really could hae been a good series with a story that goes somewhere. However, it seems like it was just phoned in to fill a last-minute spot. It would not be so bad if the fact that it was phoned in at the last-minute did not stick out like a sore thumb.