You Can Solve The Mystery
I like these alternate universes. It is kind of interesting to see so many animes talking about terrorism and stuff like that. Given the current state of the world I think that would be a bad topic. Then again, many old American shows had plenty of suicide bomber jokes in it. Plus the super natural element is not really an important thing.
Yes without Inga, Shinjiro would not have the evidence he needed to solve the mysteries. However, the fact that she.. he... it is more human is played off very nicely. The fact is that Inga is there and this is what he does, the end. The series alone hinges on actual detective work.
That is what I like about this series. Since the super natural element is removed from... well most of it. I can actually solve the mystery before the ultimate confession or analysis or whatever. So the end of the episode becomes a test for me. I got a C on most of those tests. I could figure out who was the bad guy. However, I could never put the evidence together to prove it. The fact that I could at least get as far as I did is a huge testament to the series.
So if anything you should watch this series to see if you can solve the mysteries. It is always fun watching an anime you have to pay attention too. Why not make it into a game or something. It is also funny how otaku culture is mocked in it. A war in Japan and they still couldn't take care of that problem. I guess it is here to stay.