Boushoku no Berserk
I will rate this after I am done with other anime and stuff
I have yet to write this... because I am lazy or something
I have yet to write this... because I am lazy or something
In this world, skills are everything. Everyone is born with a skill. However, only some have a valuable skill. Fate is one of those souls who has what those dub to be a useless skill. His skill Gluttony only ever seems to make him feel hungry. He is relegated to being abused by those who have skills and power. That is until the day he kills a would-be thief. He learns that Gluttony will steal power and skills from those he kills. Not to mention, it cures his hunger. The question is, what happens now?
Season 1 Episode 1
Talking Swords
I get that Greed is supposed to be a plot point, but I am annoyed that he never shuts up. Being greedy and being a narcissist go hand in hand. Personally, I would find it annoying if I had a sword that could talk and see me and stuff. I have to keep that thing in my room at all times. There might be times when I need some time away from that set of prying eyes. Oh well, at least Fate got a good sword for cheap.