A Step Away From Normal
So I finally got around to watching/finding this anime. I remember hearing about it when it came out but at the time I did not watch it. I will be honest it has always piqued my curiosity about what this anime could possibly be about. Thankfully it is not too much of a cookie cutter sports anime. That was really my biggest concern. Well maybe it is I do not know there are a lot of the common tropes in there. You know loser is... well a loser and loser finds a sport, loser becomes obsessed with sport because loser has some kind of talent for it. So I guess there were some parts but there were different parts that made this anime stand out.
First was the fact that most of the anime was spent in a competition. This is more abnormal for me than some. I mean if you look at other sports anime you will see pretty quickly that a lot of the time is spent training and bonding. At times, in this anime, that is almost glossed over in this anime. You basically see Tataro in the studio, he gets one lesson then we move on with life. As where with other anime out there we get to watch Tataro do his practice for a chunk of the episode. No there were just hints as to how much Tataro was actually practicing when the show was going on.
Next you get the mid-season episode. I guess that this is not too unexpected given how dancing works. However, it was kind of jarring for the main character to suddenly be off the circuit for a while. So that was an interesting turn of events. Most of the time the first year gets to be the lucky one who is on the team and gets to go do all the training, not this time around. Nope this time around you get to see the main character kind of panic as he falls behind his rivals. Though, of course, that does not last for long.
The crushing defeats, those are a new thing for me as well. i know that in anime there is a fair share of ups and downs for characters. However, it is pretty rare for an anime to just hand a character crushing loss where the main character is kind of the reason and has to deal with that fact. Though I guess you got the silver lining and that was nice, it was nice to see an actual struggle. I guess that plays into the next major point on how the other characters were already champions.
Again, we are seeing something new and different here, at least for me. We have a set of characters who are the reigning champs and there is nothing that can change that. The reigning champs are already at the top. The majority of sports anime that I watch the main team is always in some kind of recovery. Whether they were once the champs or they are just a bunch of losers who just really like playing. Either way, they are trying to reclaim their glory as part of the story. However, in this anime things are different. The people who are dancing are not reclaiming anything. In fact, they are doing their best to hold onto their positions. It is more like Tataro is just trying to cling to their coat tails.
I guess I also like how Tataro had an unexplained affinity for dancing. That is pretty rare in sports anime as well. Most of the time the main character has some sort of quirk or gimmick that allows them to be awesome. Sometimes they just live their life a certain way or they figured something out wrong and never stopped. Either way the talent can be explained eventually. Not wit Tataro, they go over all the various different reasons why he should not be good, but never really try to figure out why he might actually be good. That is just kind of unexplained. Which in this case works out just fine for the anime. They constantly crush he and annoy him about how bad he is instead of being mystified by that one thing that he can do that no one else can do that makes him super special.
All in all, this anime can be an interesting watch. A bit on the longer side, I was not expecting 24 episodes, but hey that is just fine for me. I guess I will have to see if anything went beyond the anime. Though I am not sure that this would work out well as a manga giving how much motion and stuff is in the anime. Still who knows, but either way it is an interesting change of pace from the usual anime that we get to watch