The Drug Induced Humor
You know I always have a hard time defending stoner like animes. You know, the ones that make little to no sense at all. I really like that fact that they all seem to have some kind of story and setting tied to them. When really that exact thing only sets the art and stuff like that. However, I am more than willing to give this one a shot. Lets start off with something easy, like it is short.
Yes the attack of the short animes has returned with another anime that is only a couple of minutes long. Rightfully so as well.. I mean.. holy crap it gets hard to write stoner humor for more than that amount of time. How would you even go about doing that I wonder? Then again I have seen plenty of non-sensical animes that are longer. Either way this anime is easy to watch because it is just so incredibly.. I do not know.. crazy. However, that level of crazy can only be kept in the minds of sane people for so long. That is why you need to take a step back and think about the things that we do or something like that. I mean it is only so long.
Going back to the crazy, this is the good kind of crazy. You know the one with violence that is cartoony and makes no sense. I mean come on when you have a character tricking other character just to steal a cats food for herself. That is the kind of humor that is needed more in this work than anything. The kind of what the hell humor that requires you to stop and ponder why someone would even be able to think of something like that. It is a nice stretch away from the typical anime humor that is out there where it is funny and we all know why it is funny. It is not funny because you wonder why someone would say or do that. So yes there is the good kind of crazy and that is a good thing yes? Even still, what else is there.
I guess I like the fact that they constantly remind us that this group is in fact a manga club of some kind. I ma not really sure what they are doing, but they are doing something that is worth mentioning. After all, why would anyone else take the time to make sure that we know that the manga club is behind on their manuscript. I really love how the entire point of the anime is to have the characters see what they can say or do to make it seem like they are not just procrastinating. I mean that is a real skill, you want to find those real world problems that make life so much harder to do . For instance... uhhh figuring out why your senpai is so incredibly amazing. Tat is a worth while thing to check out. I mean what could be better than that?
Anyway, I think I am just blowing smoke at this point in time. I am only so good at making stuff up for animes that leave me with a blank head. Yeah my brain just kind of... turns off.. that is always fun to have. The turned off brain where no one knows what exactly is going on in my brain but me. All I know is that I am going to have to keep up the good work eventually. Why else would I not just drop this anime. You know besides the times where characters randomly get eaten?